Student Articles

French Revolution

On 14 July, 1789 started French Revolution,Among the children it stated depression.
Where Louis XVI raised the taxes,And it created tension among the masses.
People were divided into three estates,Among them third estate came in tension state.
The burden of taxes was lifted by poor people,By which their ace became red like apple.
Prices of bread were rose,Which was revolution’s main cause.
Among the third estate it created worry,How the staple diet bread would they carry.
The Estate General had angried the third estate,Against the Louis XVI it gave birth to hatred.
They gathered in tennis court,To make the constitution they took oath.
The constitution of 1791 was drafted,The wordily symbols on it were crafted.
Then also Louis XVI was in secret negotiations,By Jacobins, it led to his destruction.
Then came the Robespeirre’s reign of terror,Which led to French people’s horror.
His cruel and harsh measured led to his end,By his own people to guillotine he was sent.
Then came the rule of directory,But, wasn’t enough satisfactory.
Their fight gave rise to Napoleon the last,Who defeated neighboring countries so fast.
His measures made him the hero of the country,In the heart of the people he got entry.
In Waterloo war of 1815, he got defeated,And here the French revolution got completed.
Here the people completed their fight,Equality, freedom were its democratic rights.
Its influence was not limited in France only,It affected the whole world globally.